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Mariah Price's Profile


Mariah Price

Science Teacher, Link Crew Coordinator

profile pic

Contact Info:


Work Phone:

(918) 758-2075 x3152

Conference Times:

9:00 - 9:45 a.m.

Class Room Number:


About Me

Educational History:

Okmulgee High School

Oklahoma State University

Northeastern State University

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science  Major: Organismic Biology   Minor: Chemistry

Oklahoma Teaching Certificate: Physical Science, Biological Sciences

Current Position:

Okmulgee High School Science since 2014

Okmulgee PS Manufacturing Coordinator since 2015

Okmulgee HS Link Crew Coordinator since 2017

Previous Position:

Twin Hills School

Family Information:

I met my husband while attending NSU in 1999.  We were married as soon as I finished school in June 2001.  After 15 years as a Chef in restuarants from the Oregon coast to The Cheesecake Factory in Tulsa, Jim took the position as Director of Child Nutrition for Okmulgee Public Schools.  He is thouroughly enjoying creating tasty while healthy dishes and working with his team to make the school cafeterias a place the students love.

We have three boys that always keep us on our toes!  Our oldest, Skyler, is a sophomore and loves school.  It's rare to find him without a book in his hand.  He has big plans to become a biomedical engineer and develop robotic prosthetics.  Jacob is our eighth grader and is constantly cracking us up!  He loves to performall arts and is so creative.  Digital media designing is definitely in his future.  Our youngest is starting fifth grade this year.  Austin loves being outside and is a complete daredevil!  Baskball and baseball are always his first picks but he also enjoys just hanging out in the pool. 

Personal Information:

After high school graduation, I attended Northeastern State University in Tahlequah and received a Bachelor's of Biology with a chemistry minor.   For the next few years I worked at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the Environmental Department.  I traveled to all the Corps monitored tri-state area bodies of water to conduct water quality testing.  I completed both field and laboratory testing and reported results to the public and different government agencies.  When my first son was born, I became a stay-at-home mother for the next several years.  By the time my youngest started school, I knew I wanted to share my love of learning and science with children and began the process to becoming a teacher.